Furry Healing

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Maexxna Exterminated!

My raid was able to take the giant spider down this evening during their second raid of attempts. I'm extremely impressed with how quickly they were able to get her pounded down, and the consensus seemed to be it was not due to consumables which means I look forward to repeating the feat next week.

Sadly I was unable to be there for the raid (but I jacked a kill shot anyway) on account of my needing to get my car started in order for me to get it to the dealership to have some work done. Apparently not turning on or driving your car for about six months is bad.. who knew?! I'm hoping I'll be able to make the raid this Sunday while we work on some more Naxxramas bosses, but with the whole moving thing going on I'm kind of skeptical about it.


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