Furry Healing

Friday, August 18, 2006

Raid Data Exchange v6 (RDX6)

I've been following a thread on the Elitist Jerks forums in reference to a user interface mod which is focused on making raiding easier, namely RDX6. The previous versions of this addon/mod had all been private for use by the creator's guild/raid, though the most recent (RDX5) got leaked and cracked. The leaked version eventually gained some sembelence of support from a couple LUA coders from Conquest on Kilrogg and this version (though stripped of boss mods) was released publicly.

In light of the leaked code Veni, the creator of RDX, has decided that rather than trying to continue securing the code and worry about it leaking that he will provide access to it via a members only site. Anyone may become a member of the site by paying a supposedly small fee, the exact amount of which has yet to be determined.

I've been using RDX5 intermittenly with CTRA for the last week and a half or so. In my opinion the ability to group members of the raid group any way I like is incredibly useful. My two biggest gripe formerly about the frames had been the complete lack of spacing between the health bars in the windows and the lacking ability to color the names of according to class color. The spacing is something that I'm becoming accustomed to as I continue to use the mod though the class colors still bothers me.

RDX6 looks to add some extremely powerful tools for raiders and raid leaders. I think the most notable tool is going to be Omniscience, which boasts the following.

Omniscience is a post-mortem remote combat log viewer, meaning that after the boss (or the raid group) dies, you as the raid leader can examine not only your own combat log, but the combat log of any character in the raid.

The ability to do this will be simply incredible and will in real time eliminate a lot of the guess work around the question 'what killed the tank?' The author has claimed RDX6 will revolutionize raiding interfaces and assuming the rather impressive list of intended features is pulled off I'm fairly inclined to agree.

Unfortunately I'm rather skeptical my raid will be adopting it due to the fee associated with membership even if the raid group discount is significant. Despite this I am planning on getting it once a 'live' version released, and am strongly considering getting the alpha membership as well. The RDX site being up I take to be a sign he's getting close to ready to allowing some to download it and quite frankly I'm pretty excited.

Edit: Because leek is a plant..



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