Furry Healing

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Tonight

I'm sitting at work, trying to get an Atom feed working for a government site using a package called Rome all the while thinking how much I'd rather be doing something else. Eventually my mind wanders to where we're bound tonight and I realize I'm really looking forward to it. If all goes well we'll clear up through at least the Twin Emporors tonight and maybe get some of the trash leading up to C'Thun out of the way as well.

Since we're currently working on beating the snot out of the old god this would be a huge plus. The less garbage we have to clear tomorrow (or Sunday) in order to commence the wipefest that is C'Thun learning. I'm just curious which sucker it will be to jump the gun a bit and get us all fried this week! There is a reason I hide around the corner until the first one in starts the countdown, and its not just because I like the way the Gnome back there looks.


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