Furry Healing

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thoughts on Looting

I've been with my raid for about two months now I believe, and I've certainly gotten my fair share of loot however its mostly a result of personal philosophy than anything else. I would rather see something being used than something being sharded, so if I know I can and will use something I put in for it. The thing I have a problem with is this... I'm actually hurting myself significantly by doing this as far as my raid's current loot system goes because all epics drops (except those from Molten Core) have the same epic cost.

As I said before, I recently picked up the Stormrage Bracers largely because they were my third piece. However, under the current loot system because Dreamwalker Bracers have the same value I would actually have been smarter to leave them go to another Druid and hope my points got high enough to grab the next tier instead.

I suppose ideas like the above are the reason the loot is ultimately decided by a 'council' of the officers, and I also believe I'm just sad because I realize how ridiculously long its going to be before I'll be even in the running for a Rejuvenating Gem or some other hotly contested item. I guess it doesn't bother me as much about the Blackwing Lair things, as they spent a lot of time in there learning the place before I even realized how much I enjoyed raiding, but a place like Naxx where we're really just starting and I'm going to spend as much time and gold learning the stuff as everyone else only to see someone who may or may not have been there as often as me in Naxx, but who has been around a long time pick up the fruits of the labor just bothers me.

I realize while writing this it sounds as though the primary reason I raid is loot, and quite simply its not true. I raid because I enjoy it, and I enjoy it because I feel I'm an asset. Even feeling like an asset I definately feel the strain of being undergeared compared to most of the other Druids save the newest ones. I want to be in a progression raid and I despise feeling as though my gear is part of the reason we aren't succeeding.


  • A little reflection on this post. Recently there has apparently been some concern about loot and people being greedy. I don't really care about getting or not getting the loot, my real gripe here is about there being no incentive at all whatsoever to pick up loot which I know is a temporary upgrade. I'll go back to my example of the Stormrage versus Dreamwalker. Both are items which are currently accessible to my raid, by looting the Stormrage I put the Dreamwalker farther out of reach. The only incentive to loot them is my personal desire to be the best I can, the loot system does not encourage it.

    By Blogger E, at August 20, 2006 11:31 PM  

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