Furry Healing

Thursday, August 17, 2006

To PvP or Not To PvP?

The more I hear about the changes being made to the PvP System in The Burning Crusade (TBC) the more I'm beginning to think this may be the way I want to go with my future in World of Warcraft. PvP is far more enjoyable to me than PvE for the most part. I think its really more about the frequency of the rush though.

What I mean by 'the frequency of the rush' is quite simply the rush I get from playing the game. It happens in PvE when the group I'm fighting along side and have my time invested in does something which is, to me at least, great. Every first kill is an AMAZINGLY powerful thing for me; which is to say its a huge rush. In PvP I've found this rush to happen more frequently. Each team we come up against gets my blood pumping. Sure its frustrating as hell to lose, especially when you know its a team you could have beaten; the rush from winning though, nothing compares.

Thus far I've been fortunate enough to be a part of the two most dominent Horde PvP teams which have existed on my server, the first time my participation was minor at best. I ranked up to Champion and then faded away as my guild at the time needed me and so I more or less dropped PvP to help them and get entrenched once again in the PvE raiding game. Eventually the majority of that group finished out their ranks and they largely quit (PvP or the game). Then along comes the second group, I happen to be friends with a good buddy of the guy going for rank and putting together the team this time. So we're introduced in a way and I continue running with them. This second PvP group was really the catalyst for my leaving my first raiding group, it gave me something to move on too so I didn't feel like I was simply ditching them though I was; the lieing to myself made it easier though.

With this second group (who's name I woulnd't repeat even if I weren't trying to keep this anonymous) I met some skilled players, made some friends, and was able to rank up to about mid-way through General before life and work caught up to me. They still have people ranking, and I still play with them when I'm able, but its not really the same. The awareness one gets PvPing all the time is retarded, and harshly, by a month of raiding it would seem.

The future of PvP in this game though looks to be quite promising indeed! With the upcoming changes in patch 1.12 (namely the cross-server battlegrounds) and the complete revamp in I really believe that gearing up and simply PvPing may become a viable way to spend my time. However, I will certainly be waiting until the expansion to move to it full time since the seasons and tournament like play is what makes this truly viable. Of course, this all assumes I can find a good team to do it with, most of the second group is finishing up their PvP grind now and I'm not sure how many more weeks they'll be running. Hopefully the cross-server battlegrounds in 1.12 will provide enough of a challenge to make it worth spending a lot of time doing it simply for the enjoyment of it. If the group stays together through 1.12 I imagine I'll truly be able to test myself and find out if I'm good enough to continue doing it in TBC. Here's hoping.


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