Furry Healing

Saturday, September 02, 2006

RDX6 -- Alpha 4

The newest version of RDX6 got released sometime last evening. I took about two hours to mess around with some of the new things which have been added. The largest change is to the unit frame designs which are available. Veni has provided us with a way to customize the unit frames and bars significantly more than we were previously able.

Other than the unit frame designs, the second large change was the initial release of a window creation wizard. The way the wizard saves things could use some tweaking and I'm sure future incarnations of the wizard will change things, but its a good first cut.

If I manage to get all my packing finished tomorrow in a timely manner I'll get in game to do a little more testing and take some screenshots in order to better display what the new unit frames are capable of.

Until then, the changelog will have to do..

Alpha 4
* Window wizard
* Mouse binding: Assist Unit
* Mouse binding: option to not retarget after spell cast
* Slash commands for show/hide RDX (/rdx hide and /rdx show)
* UnitFrames will use Feature Editor
* Bug: issue where unitframes aren't being properly parented to their windows
* Bug: Aura data structure sometimes gets "stuck" in an invalid state (periodic ProcessAuras())
* Can no longer rename over top of an already existing file.



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