Furry Healing

Sunday, October 01, 2006

RDX6 -- Alpha 8 Interim Releases and Alpha 9

A lot has gone on since the last time I wrote about RDX6. There have been four interim releases all containing a significant amount of content and then a final Alpha release.

The first interim release contained a first batch of bossmods for RDX6. These bossmods covered most of Naxxramas, omitting only one boss in the Death Knight wing and having only partially completed Four Horsemen module. I have only gotten to use one of them, specifically the one for Noth the Plaugebringer and to be perfectly honest when I did, the Big Wigs version was better. The RDX bossmod did not seem to wait until the Curse of the Plaguebringer was cast until beginning to count to the next one, which is important because it is a cooldown ability not on a straight timer. However, I am certain the bossmods will be improved over time.

The second interim release was for a raid status module. This provided a framework for the creation of statistics which constituted interesting raid status information for the individual. The statistics work off of Sets created by Filter objects so its mostly using things which people are already familiar with.

In the third interim release there were some improvements made to the debuff auto-curing. The improvements include things like a blacklist and the ability to prioritize by creating a Set which contains those who are a priority.

The fourth interim release included a 'styles' module which allows the user to change the way the the default frames look. I haven't had a chance to experiment with this yet so I can't say much.

Alpha 9 appears to be an inclusion of all the interim releases plus some polish.

Full Changelog
Alpha 9
* Assist Frame feature added, enabling the ability to make "assist windows"
* New sort option "Set Order" -- when used with a NominativeSet, will sort the entries in the order in which they appear in the NominativeSet editor.
* Styles module added
* Added Morfina's window list idea.
* Bugfix/RaidStatus: fixed occasional invalid unit erros.
* Bugfix: Font Not Set should finally be eliminated.
* Possible bugfix: Fixed a race condition in the alert code. Might fix the distorted graphics, not sure.
* IMPORTANT Deprecated VFL code has been removed. Versions of VFL past 20060930 will NOT WORK with RDX5
* VFL now has a Lua error handling facility complete with stack traces.
* Fixed various RPC bugs.
* Feature Editor will no longer remove invalid features. Errored features will be colored yellow in the list; impossible features will be colored red.
* Feature Editor will now show an "errors" popup at the bottom describing the most recent errors found.
* Wenge's multi target system added.
* Bugfix: Buffs with the same texture will no longer break things.
* Raid Status module added.
* Debuff curing: /rdx curefrom command added - allows the selection of a set or sort from which to cure.
* Debuff curing: LoS/OOR blacklist added.
* RaidStatus: display preferences now inhere to the Statistic object rather than the rendering feature.



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